Khat, a stimulant or recreational drug, is being used more in South Africa. While the plant itself is not new to SA, its use as a stimulant drug has increased. This is mostly due to the growing ...
Khat, a stimulant or recreational drug, is being used more in South Africa. While the plant itself is not new to SA, its use ...
At Shumaila market, in the southern part of Sana'a, Shayef al-Thibyani, a taxi driver, checks different types of locally grown khat [or qat], the leafy plant chewed as a stimulant in Yemen and the ...
It was the fall of 2024, and Jama, 37, had been chewing Khat that day, as he often did. Khat, an innocuous-looking, evergreen shrub that grows predominantly in East Africa, contains stimulant ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists khat as a drug that creates "dependence" in people, meaning it produces a continuing desire to keep using it. In the 2013 World Drug Report, khat was ...