The Jonestown Peoples Temple massacre is one of ... and mob mentality. The story of Jim Jones, his Peoples Temple cult, and the settlement in South America that was supposed to be a utopia is ...
The place where they fell was Jonestown, a remote commune in north-western Guyana named after its founder, Jim Jones - the evil architect of this terrible tragedy. He promised them it would be ...
The Jonestown tragedy has been meticulously recreated ... And yet over and over again with the Peoples Temple, nothing was ...
including the adopted black son of the Rev. Jim Jones. He also focused on those who grew up in the Peoples Temple, or joined as teenagers. These survivors, due to happenstance or their own efforts, ...
Guyana is revisiting a dark history nearly half a century after Jim Jones and more than 900 of his followers died in the rural interior of the South American country.
Jim Jones sets out to establish a utopian community in Guyana, but what begins as a peaceful movement ultimately spirals into a mass casualty event that leaves 918 people dead.
Jim Jones forms The Peoples Temple. Members are captivated; his lust for power becomes unstoppable. Interviews with Jeff Guinn the author of The Road to Jonestown, Jim Jones Jr, and two of the ...
Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days That Shook San Francisco. This revelation, particularly shocking in light of the fate of his tenants in Jonestown, led me to come across this: Willie Brown ...