A Hinduism course at the University of Houston faces backlash from activist Vasant Bhatt, who claims it promotes Hinduphobia.
Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Hinduism, or remained Hindu since childhood, in four countries. Pew ...
The University of Houston's Lived Hindu Religion course is offered to the students online, and video lectures are delivered ...
Intermarriages across faiths are not very common in India, except in Bollywood stories. Only 1% of Indians say they are ...
In many places surveyed, 20% or more of all adults have left their childhood religious group. Christianity and Buddhism have ...
Eating glass. Fire walking. Sword swallowing. These acts that shock and delight have roots in the real and mythical practices ...
From pouring color over someone’s head to smudging powder across someone’s cheek, the act of coloring others during Holi is ...
(RNS) — To some Sikhs, allegations that recent Hindu temple vandalizations have been carried out by Sikh actors have served to foment tension between the religious communities as of late.
A group of DU students under the banner of "Hindu Students of Dhaka University" demanded the permanent expulsion and legal ...