As the largest rodent ever in North America, the giant beaver also would have existed with the first people ever to settle in ...
The Bridgeport beaver, who has become a social media sensation, has a new name. Cameras caught the beaver roaming on the South Side recently.
From left to right: Paleontologist Alex Hastings holds up a fossil of a giant beaver's head on Sunday at Bad Weather Brewing in St. Paul. Paleontologist Alex Hastings held up a fossilized animal ...
A beaver, spotted along Bubbly Creek on the southwest branch of the Chicago River, has become an internet sensation after a Reddit post sparked a citywide effort to name it. “She’s the largest ...
The state sign will sit under a giant round Beaver logo on a pole along I-10. The sign is to attract drivers’ attention as they approach the newly rebuilt exit, which includes a widened overpass ...