Daily Motivation News (DMNews) is a trusted source for self-improvement, lifestyle, and personal growth content. We deliver ...
TikTok has withdrawn a controversial filter that allowed users to alter their photos to make themselves look heavier.
Dale said: “Every time I was on that flight abroad, I would show doctors and surgeons filtered pictures on Instagram. “That’s how I wanted to look. “I was sucked into this vicious cycle of ...
Millennial parents in particular began using the hyper detailed, oversaturated, and downright goofy filters when taking photos of their own kids and sharing the images with friends and family for ...
The mom and daughter recently scrolled through baby photos and realized they all had filters. While Lawayne regrets that she didn't take more unfiltered pictures. This as-told-to essay is based on ...
“Ain’t got antlers on my walls/ But I sure know mating calls/ From the stalls in the bars on Friday night,” Roan’s voice sings, while filtered photos of her sporting deer antlers, popping ...