1324. "The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' [LG 11.] 'The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the ...
The Eucharist is God. On the contrary, it is, as St. Augustine proclaimed, a sin not to adore. Receiving Communion presupposes a disposition of adoration and worship. Jesus is not only present ...
This means that Christian spirituality flows from the Eucharist (the source) and so Christian actions should be directed towards it (the summit). Every other sacrament is linked to the Eucharist.
The Eucharist is not simply a cultural legacy. It is more than a moving performance or a beautiful ritual symbolizing ...
Examine the role, meaning and significance of the Eucharist, one of the Christian sacraments, in this detailed lesson. After considering the different denominational views of sacraments, this ...
“Father Rodriguez gave the woman a blessing and advised her to receive the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) before coming back to receive Holy Communion (Eucharist).” The same woman is said ...
Use this introduction lesson complete with activities and discussion questions to explain the Eucharist, one of the Christian sacraments. Examine the symbolism and significance of the bread, wine, ...
A nasty quarrel arose in the 11th century over what kind of bread should be used in holy communion. The view in ...