I cracked open a monster dinosaur egg and turned it into a snail omelette, cooked over an open fire in the wild! The textures, sizzling sounds, and rich flavors made this a true ASMR feast!
They then slowly move one arm to push the eggshell and crack the egg open, a little more and a little more. Until finally they can burst out of their egg and sing the dinosaur song once more.
This could have implications for understanding dinosaur migration ... Seems prospecting for fossil eggs really is all it’s cracked up to be. The study is published in the journal PLOS ONE.
MIFUNE, Kumamoto Prefecture--Fossils excavated here about 20 years ago were confirmed to be dinosaur eggs, the first such findings in the Kyushu region, a museum said. They were the also first ...
Besides fossils, the exhibition also displayed dinosaur eggs. Recent advances in technology have allowed scientists to reconstruct the colour of some dinosaur eggs. A green Deinonychus egg caught ...