In December, the Scranton school board unanimously approved the reintroduction of a preschool program, now the Pilot program ...
Charles Sumner entered the freshman class Sept. 1, 1826. The undergraduates, now numbering nearly a thousand, at that period scarcely reached two hundred. Rev. John T. Kirkland was the president.
Two South Carolina representatives were censured by the House in the 1800s. A third SC representative, Joe Wilson, was ...
As tensions over slavery reached a boiling point, Senator Charles Sumner was brutally caned by Preston Brooks after delivering his speech, The Crime Against Kansas. This event pushed John Brown ...
The House censure of Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) for his rude — and loud — antics during President Donald Trump’s address to ...
In Washington, anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner decried the spread of slavery to Kansas and accused Southerners of "raping and plundering the virgin territory." South Carolina Congressman ...
Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts made a name for himself as an advocate of liberal causes. His outspoken support of abolition and the rights of emancipated blacks, and his calls for ...
HOWE, CHARLES SUMNER (29 Sept. 1858-18 Apr. 1939), college educator and president of the Case School of Applied Science (1902-29) (see CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY), was born in Nashua, N.H., to ...