The Bloodborne PSX demake fan-project from tech artist and engineer Lilith Walther has become the latest legal takedown ...
A Bloodborne PSX demake has been hit with a DMCA by Sony, representing the second such claim made by the company in a week.
Sony has filed a DMCA takedown of a fan-made Bloodborne 60 frames per second patch nearly four years after its release.
Love playing Bloodborne in 60fps? Too bad as Sony has filed a takedown notice against the fan-made patch that makes the ...
The creator of the high-profile Bloodborne 60fps patch has said he’s received a DMCA takedown from Sony.
After Sony recently sent a DMCA for a mod that allowed Bloodborne to be played at 60 FPS on PS4, another DMCA has just hit ...
The Bloodborne PSX demake has become the latest Bloodborne-related fan project to be hit with a copyright claim after the Bloodborne 60fps mod was struck last week. Well-known Bloodborne 60fps mod ...
Back in 2021, modder Lance MacDonald released a patch for playing Bloodborne on PlayStation 4 Pro at 60FPS in boost mode.
The creator of the 60 FPS patch for Blooborne removes the popular project after getting a takedown notice from Sony ...
The patch in question removes Bloodborne's 30 fps cap. As discussed in a May 2020 Digital Foundry interview with McDonald, this doesn't produce particularly desirable results on the base PS4, but ...
With neither Sony nor FromSoftware offering updates to Bloodborne, fans have taken it upon themselves to bring the PS4 classic up to more modern standards, such as including a 60fps mode for the game.