A new bipedal dinosaur species named Mexidracon longimanus was presented by researchers from the Paleontology Museum of the Benemérita Escuela Normal Superior de Coahuila, Mexico. The ...
Additionally, bipedalism raised hominids' bodies above the ground, enabling their skin to come in better contact with cooler and faster-moving breezes. This allowed for further heat dissipation ...
announced the deployment of the first bipedal humanoid in its AI-powered fully-robotic drug discovery laboratory. The humanoid, called “Supervisor” will be used for data acquisition and data ...
How did humans evolve into the big-brained, bipedal ape that we are today? This article examines the fossil evidence of our 6 million year evolution. Darwin's great insight, and the unifying ...
Research on bipedal robots has amassed over the years, and as the saying goes, if these Imagineers saw further it was by standing on the shoulders of larger robotic platforms. However, the Project ...
The Mexican Dragon: Decade-long quest reveals long-handed dinosaur in Mexico. (photo credit: UnexpectedDinoLesson is licensed under CC BY 4.0.) A new bipedal dinosaur species named Mexidracon ...